Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Reverse the Casual Curse

Are you guilty of the casual conversation curse? I know I have been, and I'm ready to put a end to it. I would like to say that the tittle sounds worse than what it is...but that's just not true. How many times have you had a conversation with a friend or associate telling them about something you may be facing, or getting ready to face, and all through they may mean well they speak something negative? For instance I'm getting ready to start my semester at CIU, while having two children and writing a book. When I discuss the excitment with people sometimes they turn it into fear. They say things like well how are you going to do that? or Girl, your going to be dog tired or that's going to drive you crazy, you wont have time for anything. Although people may mean well, when they speak something over your life dont just stand by and recieve it. Tell them that your standing on God's word, and that your more than a conqueror! It's ok to be positive,speak the word and reverse the curse. Tell them that the last time you checked you could do all things through Christ who gives you strength! Dont allow your self to agree with everything that comes out of someones mouth...even for the sake of conversation. There is power in words so speak and agree wisely. Well I'm off now to have a great day, filled with blessings  and joy. I hope you have a blessed day!!!

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